Our library of articles, tips and guides on delivering the very best service.
Knowledgeable, trustworthy and confident – your Moneypenny PA is an extra pair of hands without any of the associated overheads. Briefed by you, your Moneypenny PA will look after your calls exa…
AppPortalTelephone AnsweringYour business calls, in the cloud, on your mobile. Pocket Phone System will leave your callers with …
AIAppPocket Phone SystemPortalVoice RecognitionThe reasons why businesses outsource their calls to Moneypenny vary, but the outcome is always the s…
Staff WellbeingWorkplace CultureIn-app calling cuts costs and improves efficiency. Savvy business owners understand how important it…
AppTelephone AnsweringThe Moneypenny app is the perfect way to keep in touch with your PA. In fact in just 4 super-simple …
AppGPSTelephone AnsweringIn a nutshell, proactive chats are an incredibly powerful tool and will add value to your website. T…
Live ChatPortalMoneypenny’s Live Chat portal is a great place to see all the chats that have taken place on your …
Live ChatTechnologyWe’ve made this as simple as possible; from Digital Receptionists to Moneypenny PAs. Although …
AIPocket Phone SystemPortalVoice RecognitionA virtual PA is a remote worker who manages the general administration and reception duties for a bu…
Customer ServiceTelephone AnsweringWhen you use Moneypenny’s Telephone Answering Service, having the support of a dedicated P…
PortalTelephone AnsweringThis is what we call a Digital Receptionist, and it’s a fantastic tool. Pick from three Digita…
AIPocket Phone SystemPortalVoice RecognitionThis year, Moneypenny celebrates 25 years as the world’s customer conversation experts, but where …
Our most popular questions
Yes, we encourage this as much as possible. Please feel free to drop into our Wrexham office whenever suits you. We make great coffee! Moneypenny, Western Gateway, Wrexham, LL13 7ZB.
This is up to you – you control the divert facility on your telephone line via your phone’s keypad. You can choose to send all calls, or just the ones when your line is engaged or unanswered.
Your Moneypenny PA has a log immediately to hand. You also have, via your Online Portal and App, access to a realtime updated log of all calls and messages from the past three months.
All you need to do is add a small piece of code to your website. It’s that simple. From this point, whenever a visitor enters into a live chat on your website, that chat will pass automatically to a Moneypenny PA: all the time or just when you’re unavailable. Briefed by you when you join us, they will either resolve your visitor’s request there and then or (having sent the request to you immediately via email) reassure them that you’ll be in touch straight away.
No – we know you don’t want to be tied into a long-term contract. All of our smaller Telephone Answering and Live Chat schemes (inclusive of 150 minutes or chats and below) have a minimum contract length of three months. Thereafter, we require one month’s notice to close your account from the date of your next invoice. For our larger schemes, we require either a six or twelve-month commitment (depending on the volume of inclusive minutes or chats) with three months’ notice to terminate your account.
Your own Moneypenny PA to answer calls exactly as if based in your office.
Discover >All the functions and support of an office phone system, minus the hardware.
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